Use + Harm Reduction

    How Photography by People Who Inject Drugs Could Advance Research

    Amid infectious disease outbreaks among people who inject drugs in the United States in ...

    Disease Model Proponents Are the Climate Change Deniers of Our Field

    Our cognitive biases, per Nobel-winner Daniel Kahneman and colleague Amos Tversky, cause us to ...

    How the British Approach to Vaping Puts the US to Shame

    Over the summer, US media reported that two National Health Service hospitals in England ...

    Inside the Rising Chemsex Response in Europe

    Having too many people itching to talk about their activism is a good problem ...

    Skid Row Project Highlights Toilets as Harm Reduction and a Human Right

    In June 2017, Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles (HHCLA), a nonprofit community organization, found that ...