Use + Harm Reduction

    What Can We Learn From the Nation’s First 24/7 Methadone Clinic?

    In October 2017, Community Medical Services (CMS), an Arizona-based addiction treatment provider, opened America’s ...

    NYC Syringe Programs Successfully Serving the Most Vulnerable New Yorkers

    New York City’s syringe service programs (SSPs) are successfully getting harm reduction resources into ...

    Global Forum on Nicotine Asserts Urgency of Tobacco Harm Reduction

    Where else,” wondered tobacco harm reduction advocate David Sweanor, “do we permit a really ...

    Why Is Harm Reduction for Queer Meth Users So Understudied?

    It’s no secret that the US harm reduction movement prioritizes opioids and the people ...

    New Zealand Government Initiative Shows Welcome Support for Tobacco Harm Reduction

    The New Zealand government has launched an online resource endorsing—and educating about— vaping products ...

    Filter Video: Inside Portugal’s First Mobile Safe Consumption Site

    In April of this year, Portugal, a country well known for having decriminalized all ...

    Safe Consumption Site in Philly Has 90 Percent Support Among Locals

    Communities most impacted by the overdose crisis are more likely to back groundbreaking interventions ...

    Mexico Public Health Agency Lashes Out Against Tobacco Harm Reduction

    Mexico’s consumer health protection agency has effectively denounced the US Food and Drug Administration’s ...

    Photo Essay: Inside Australia’s Safe Consumption Sites

    While officials in the US—and the UK where I live—debate the introduction of safe ...