Use + Harm Reduction

    PrEP Education Campaigns Leave People Who Inject Drugs Behind

    On July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report that ...

    A Sample Meal Plan for People Who Have Been Using Drugs

    Editor’s note: This is the plan created by harm reduction worker Ria Tsinas (who ...

    Nutrition Is an Overlooked Aspect of Harm Reduction

    The connection between food and drugs is stronger than most people might think. Many ...

    Psychedelics Take the TED Talk Stage for the First Time

    Preparing for this talk has been scarier for me than preparing for LSD therapy,” ...

    Overdoses Are Deadliest Within First Few Months Out of Delaware Prisons

    In 2018, Delaware had the sixth highest number of overdose deaths in the country, ...

    Prohibition and Misinformation: Australia’s Tobacco Harm Reduction Fail

    American vapers facing increasing restrictions, government misinformation and regulatory uncertainties are naturally concerned for ...

    Dual Use of Vapes and Cigarettes—Harmful or Harm Reduction?

    Mixing use of vapes and combustible cigarettes, known as “dual use,” is seen as ...