When Harm Reduction Expansion Stifles Activism: A Lesson From Europe

    For six weeks this summer I had the extraordinary opportunity to visit harm reduction ...

    Rising Meth-Involved Deaths of Major Concern Amid Estimated 2018 Overdose Fall

    For the first time since the 1990s, fatal drug overdoses decreased in 2018, according ...

    To Taper a Pain Patient? It’s Never One-Size-Fits-All

    Many years ago, I broke my ankle⁠—tibia and fibula⁠—in a fall from a horse. ...

    PrEP Education Campaigns Leave People Who Inject Drugs Behind

    On July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report that ...

    Memo to Josh Shapiro: Attorneys General Do Have the Right to Be Good

    A fun exercise is to check your state’s constitution and search the term “attorney ...

    A Sample Meal Plan for People Who Have Been Using Drugs

    Editor’s note: This is the plan created by harm reduction worker Ria Tsinas (who ...

    Nutrition Is an Overlooked Aspect of Harm Reduction

    The connection between food and drugs is stronger than most people might think. Many ...

    Inside the Philippines Prison That Sparked Duterte’s Murderous Drug War

    Twenty-three thousand dead. That’s the latest estimate—and maybe a low one—of people killed by ...

    FDA Cites Vapes as a Smoking Cessation Tool in Lawsuit Argument

    On July 11, a Maryland district court judge ruled in a lawsuit launched by ...