Three Takeaways From Filter’s Tobacco Harm Reduction and Health Justice Event

    On May 17, Filter hosted a panel entitled “Tobacco Harm Reduction, Vulnerable Populations & Health Justice” ...

    Women Who Use Drugs: Challenges Demand Self-Led Harm Reduction

    Bree Cassell first injected heroin when she was 15 years old. Despite wanting to ...

    What Psychedelics Reveal About the Nature of Consciousness

    Dr. Peter Sjostedt-H is something of a rockstar “philosopher of mind.” His specializations include ...

    Innovative Canadian “Street Degree” Empowers Peer Harm Reduction Workers

    In British Columbia, an entirely peer-taught overdose prevention “Street Degree” program has graduated its ...

    The Year Is 2020, and the US Has Banned Vapes. What Happens Now?

    President Donald Trump finished his overture at this year’s Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin ...

    Architect of Philippines Drug War Elected to Senate on Death Penalty Platform

    A slate of allies of far-right President Rodrigo Duterte were elected to the Philippines ...