Tag: science

    Study Projects HIV Surge After Scott County Syringe Program Closure

    In 2015, Scott County, Indiana, saw a huge HIV outbreak among its population of ...

    NIDA Wants to Fund Research Into Marijuana Legalization Models

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is renewing its push to promote federally ...

    DEA Wants to Add Five Drugs to the Highly Criminalized Schedule I List

    It’s dispiriting that in 2022, with decriminalization efforts taking off nationwide, adding more drugs ...

    Alcohol and Dementia: Why the Evidence Has Been Suppressed  

    A familiar substance has repeatedly been associated with protection against dementia. But we’re not ...

    RIP Rod Skager, a Pioneer in Harm Reduction Drug Education

    When my children entered adolescence in the 1980s and ‘90s, the War on Drugs ...