Portugal Mayor Supports Recriminalizing Public Drug Use

    Talk of drug decriminalization is buzzing in the United States as Democratic presidential candidates, ...

    Listening to Marginalized Afghan Women: Stories of Survival 

    Afghan women whose lives involve drug use, sex work or having multiple sexual partners ...

    How Drug War Prosecutors Cynically Exploit Rape Survivor Advocacy 

    One of the biggest crises in law enforcement is the rape kit “backlog”—which is ...

    An On-the-Ground Look at Duterte’s Bloody Drug War

    Few Americans have come face-to-face with the foot soldiers—both cops and encouraged vigilantes—of Philippines ...

    Pressure Mounts on NY Gov. Cuomo to Authorize Safe Consumption Sites

    New York safe consumption site (SCS) advocates have been fueled by last week’s landmark ...

    Almodóvar and Portman’s New Films Illuminate Love, Heroin and Addiction

    Two current films wonder about the nature of addiction—one involving obsessive love, the other ...

    How Psychedelic Drugs Could Help Save the Planet

    The UN says we have just over a decade left to stop irreversible damage ...