We Are Nurses, Not Police. The US Methadone System Expects Otherwise.

    Recent public attention to police brutality, systemic racism and oppression has brought calls for ...

    How Will You Talk to Your Kids About Drug Safety?

    If you are a parent, or hope to be someday, you’ve likely considered how ...

    How a Canadian Decriminalization Model Can Improve on Portugal

    Isolation, drug-supply disruptions and other effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have sent North America’s ...

    Youth Vaping Declines, But the CDC Clings to Its “Epidemic” Narrative

    On September 9, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their latest ...

    DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health

    Before COVID-19, the District of Columbia was already experiencing a public health crisis that ...

    California Renews Non-Rx Pharmacy Syringe Access—But How Accessible Are They?

    Californians will continue to be permitted to purchase sterile syringes and needles at community ...