Use + Harm Reduction

    Infographic: The “Iron Law of Prohibition”

    On September 24 the Global Commission on Drug Policy—a heavyweight group co-founded by Richard ...

    Why California Has Largely Been Spared Fentanyl Deaths—So Far

    America’s crisis of drug-overdose deaths has largely spared California. At 11.2 deaths per 100,000 ...

    The Invisible Majority: People Whose Drug Use Is Not Problematic

    For years, Mark* woke up each morning, made breakfast for his two young children, ...

    Five Harmful Anti-Alcohol Myths and the Evidence Against Them

    In Temperance America and beyond, it seems no amount of evidence will be accepted ...

    With the Focus on Opioids, Don’t Forget About Meth and Cocaine

    The “opioid crisis” has dominated drug conversations for at least the past decade, while ...

    In 2018, the Temperance Movement Still Grips America

    Our society—even some of its most progressive elements—vilifies alcohol. This stands in opposition to ...