On July 1, the cost of electronic cigarettes and associated liquids skyrockets in Vermont ...
Tiffany Cabán, a highly progressive, 31-year-old queer Latina public defender, stunned the world last ...
Worldwide, more than half a million of people died from, or in relation to, ...
Access to accurate health information about nicotine and products that contain it is a ...
In the past year, a debate has intensified over how kratom—a plant with mild ...
For 10 months now, a Ukrainian harm reduction activist has been illegally detained by ...
Given the racist past and present of cannabis prohibition in the United States, an ...
Mixing use of vapes and combustible cigarettes, known as “dual use,” is seen as ...
In the past two months, both Denver, Colorado and Oakland, California decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms ...
Forty-three million Americans live in poverty, and the numbers are not diminishing. Certainly poverty ...