Intersections + Injustice

    No, Trump: Executions Don’t Deter Drug Use and Sales

    Praising authoritarian regimes’ human rights violations has become routine for President Donald Trump. In ...

    Enforcing Freedom: The Insidious Nature of Drug Courts

    The fact that drug courts often widen the [criminal justice] net is hardly a ...

    Olympia’s “Mitigation Site” No Long-Term Homelessness Solution

    As homelessness continues to pose an immediate humanitarian crisis in major cities like New ...

    How Technical Violations Are Fueling Incarceration in Vermont

    The majority of incarcerated Vermonters are behind state prison bars due to a technical ...

    NYC Officials Propose “Universal Affordable Housing”

    Imagine a homeless family of three fortunate enough to receive a rental assistance voucher ...

    Majority of Surveyed US Voters Support Sex Work Decrim

    The sex work decriminalization movement has risen to the status of a mainstream political ...

    “Swallowed Up in the Darkness”—The Humanity of People on Death Row

    [This article is excerpted from Crimson Letters: Voices from Death Row by Tessie Castillo, ...