Nobody knows the smell, taste or feeling of pure cocaine like someone who injects ...
Everyone deserves access to health care. It should be unconditional. If you have diabetes ...
I have been doing Valium since the age of 16. They were called “blueberries” ...
In the early days of October, Shawn* was detained by police in the city ...
The Drug User Liberation Front, a Vancouver-based activist group, made a serious statement on ...
[This article contains graphic descriptions of drug use and overdose.] Overdosing and being ...
Imagine being on a medication, any medication, and all a sudden it doesn’t work ...
Methamphetamine-related harms vary across Canada. Our west coast has obviously been hit hard, as ...
The odor of burning vinegar associated with the transdermal fentanyl patch will probably always ...
Due to the drastic increase in opioid–involved overdoses, British Columbia declared a public health ...