New Zealand has halved its excise tax on heated tobacco products—a move which many ...
Children absorb far less nicotine from people vaping around them indoors than they do ...
“It’s part of a demonization campaign,” Michelle Minton told the audience, “but it’s also ...
The United Kingdom’s new Labour government has reintroduced the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, the ...
The World Health Organization has released its first-ever guide for tobacco cessation in adults. ...
About one in four Swedes use nicotine products, which is comparable to the rest ...
Many people who quit cigarettes say that vaping at higher nicotine levels was key ...
It felt like a big deal to see Anthony Salandy, of the National Harm ...
In 2015, Richard Pruen spent time staying in a mental health hospital ward in ...
Health ministers from all 27 countries of the European Union met on June 21 ...