Tag: policing

    Boston Clears Tent Encampment at Mass and Cass

    On November 1 Boston city workers began evicting unhoused residents from an encampment in ...

    Philly Mayor Candidate Wants National Guard to “Shut Down” Drug Markets

    The Democratic candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, Cherelle Parker, is promising to bring the ...

    Mayor Adams Oversees Huge Increase in NYPD Drug Arrests

    New York City cops are arresting far more people for drugs under Mayor Eric ...

    Atlanta Approves “Cop City” Funding as Crackdown on Activists Escalates

    At a marathon public City Council meeting, Atlanta lawmakers have voted to approve millions ...

    CA Uses Cannabis Tax Revenues for Community Reinvestment. And Cops.

    California is awarding over $50 million to support and invest in communities that suffered ...

    Cherelle Parker Wins Philly Mayor Primary on “Fund the Police” Platform

    Cherelle Parker has won the Democratic primary election for Philadelphia’s next Mayor. Given the ...