“Huge step backwards for recovery, it sucks!” was how one participant in a new ...
A man named Craig walks into a convenience store. He serves as a vape ...
“Two countries divided by a common language” is a common saying misattributed to George ...
On September 14, Bidi Vapor, one of the largest disposable vape producers in the ...
On September 12, influential House Democrats circulated a new tax proposal around Washington meant ...
Dr. Patt Denning is a pioneer in developing the field of harm reduction therapy. ...
On August 31, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied the PMTA applications for ...
On August 26, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied the first marketing applications ...
For people who want to stop or reduce their smoking and have previously been ...
On August 9, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered that approximately 4.5 million ...