Tag: mental health

    Alaska Prisons Are Holding Mentally-Ill People With No Criminal Charges

    Over the last year, dozens of Alaskans experiencing mental health crises found themselves in ...

    LA Top Prosecutor’s “Concern” for Mental Illness Doesn’t Pass Scrutiny

    Jackie Lacey, the Los Angeles district attorney, proclaims that she is taking serious steps ...

    We Know the Answers to Our Suicide Crisis, But Prefer to Deny Them

    Supporting people in living is the best solution to self-inflicted death. Isn’t that simple? ...

    Man Who Died of OD Was Allegedly “Kicked Out of Treatment for Smoking”

    I can’t lose everything,” Paul Reithlinghshoefer told his mother when he relapsed back to ...

    NYC Jailers Hinder Patients’ Access to Mental Health Services

    People incarcerated in New York City jails are consistently obstructed from accessing mental health ...

    How Can Harm Reduction Do Better for Transgender People?

    In 2015 Tori Cooper decided to leave a successful nonprofit career to blaze a ...