Use + Harm Reduction

    SAMHSA’s Methadone Reforms Toothless Until We End Clinics’ Power

    The COVID-19 pandemic and record overdose tolls have continued to pressure the Substance Abuse ...

    Lack of Person-Centered Research Impedes Rural Access to OUD Meds

    Across the United States, people face many barriers to accessing medications for opioid use ...

    California Now Requires Naloxone Access on College Campuses

    California is now requiring most public universities and colleges to offer students free naloxone, ...

    The Biggest Tobacco Harm Reduction Battles to Come in 2023

    United States tobacco control did not have an easy 2022. So much turmoil has ...

    To a US Methadone Recipient, Visiting Australia Was Shocking

    Asking for help requires humility, but you shouldn’t have to humble yourself into the ...

    Pakistan Nicotine-Pouch Surge Brings Harm Reduction Hope in South Asia

    Globally, almost a third of tobacco consumers use oral products. Smokeless tobacco (SLT) is ...

    Hurricane Maria Flagged Post-Disaster Drug Harm Reduction Needs

    Hurricane Maria was one of the worst natural disasters that the United States—and in ...