Use + Harm Reduction

    The “Reemergence” of Carfentanil

    Proponents of the Controlled Substances Act like to characterize fentanyl analogs as more potent and ...

    Difference in Vapers’ Respiratory Symptoms Vs. Non-Vapers Is Minimal

    Vaping does not produce clinically important respiratory symptoms, indicates a new international study. Significantly, ...

    Syringe Program in Fargo, North Dakota, Survives Narrow Vote

    A syringe service program in Fargo, North Dakota, has narrowly survived a vote after ...

    The Opioid Shuffle

    Over my 21 years of using opioids I’ve often joked to myself that I ...

    BC Drug-Decrim Study Explores Problems With 2.5-Gram Threshold

    Since the inception of British Columbia’s drug decriminalization policy, which took effect in January ...

    What Older Vapers Think of Youth-Vaping Panic

    Globally, youth vaping and its supposed health impacts have dominated public discussion and driven ...

    “Dual Use” of Vapes and Cigarettes Is Unfairly Maligned

    Dual use, referring to people who smoke and vape concurrently, is a phenomenon often ...