Politics + Legalization

    Elizabeth Warren Advocates to Formalize Barriers for Pain Patients

    Five lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, have renewed their demands for the DEA to ...

    How a Canadian Decriminalization Model Can Improve on Portugal

    Isolation, drug-supply disruptions and other effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have sent North America’s ...

    DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health

    Before COVID-19, the District of Columbia was already experiencing a public health crisis that ...

    Drug Policy Reform in Missouri: City-Level Progress, Strong Headwinds

    A Missouri mayor recently announced a plan to pardon people with marijuana and psilocybin ...

    Why Historic House Marijuana Legalization Vote Has Been Pushed Back

    An historic House of Representatives vote on a federal marijuana legalization bill, orginally slated ...