Innovative Canadian “Street Degree” Empowers Peer Harm Reduction Workers

    In British Columbia, an entirely peer-taught overdose prevention “Street Degree” program has graduated its ...

    The Year Is 2020, and the US Has Banned Vapes. What Happens Now?

    President Donald Trump finished his overture at this year’s Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin ...

    Architect of Philippines Drug War Elected to Senate on Death Penalty Platform

    A slate of allies of far-right President Rodrigo Duterte were elected to the Philippines ...

    Bolsonaro Cuts Harm Reduction, Escalates Drug War

    Largely unreported in English-language news media, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has pulled the plug ...

    How Technology Is Rapidly Advancing Overdose-Resistant Bathrooms

    As the US harm reduction community grapples with the legal, cultural and political challenges ...

    Coercion Into Addiction Treatment Is Ubiquitous: Five Ways It Happens

    The range and intensity of coercion in addiction treatment isn’t well recognized. Yet coercion ...