New Drugs, Bad Policies Leave Philly Harm Reduction Groping in the Dark

    The “Walmart of Heroin” is how the New York Times described Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood—in ...

    Next Week Is the Perfect Time to Get Your Cannabis Conviction Expunged

    The second-ever National Expungement Week (NEW) will be held September 21-28. It involves a ...

    Canadian Pharmacist Could Face Punishment for Giving Out Naloxone

    In Ontario, a Canadian province with large rural regions, one pharmacist is no longer ...

    An Opioid Vaccine’s Promise—And Ethical Peril

    A multi-million dollar race to develop a vaccine that prevents the pleasurable and harmful ...

    When Cops Turn Against the Drug War

    Commissaris Muyshondt, sorry to bother you,” said a voice over the phone. “We arrested ...

    We Know the Answers to Our Suicide Crisis, But Prefer to Deny Them

    Supporting people in living is the best solution to self-inflicted death. Isn’t that simple? ...

    Why the Proposed US Vape Flavors Ban Risks Global Harm

    The Trump administration’s announcement of plans to ban all flavored vaping products will cause ...