Media + Culture

    Tobacco Harm Reduction Is for the Birds, According to the CDC

    I didn’t know much about birdwatching until a very recent trip to Costa Rica ...

    I Want to Reclaim My Voice From “Light Up the Night”

    My motivation for being a drug-user organizer has always been to build a different ...

    Ten Underlying Reasons Behind Opposition to Vaping

    [This article is excerpted from Stop Smoking Start Vaping by Dr. Colin Mendelsohn. Copyright ...

    Popular Advocate Forced to Close Her Small-Town Vape Shop

    For the past couple of years, Skip Murray has updated a Twitter thread every ...

    The Ways We “Monsterize” Drug Use, Pain and People

    [This article is an adapted excerpt from On Opium: Pain, Pleasure, and Other Matters ...

    A Court Rejected the Disease Theory of Opioid Addiction. Will We Listen?

    The idea that opioid painkillers are inevitably addictive was put on trial and refuted. ...

    Let’s Examine the Astroworld Syringe-Wielding Assailant Rumor

    On November 5, at the Astroworld festival in Houston, at least eight people were ...

    Seattle Times Slightly Obsessed With Abolitionist City Attorney Candidate

    Nicole Thomas-Kennedy, a Seattle candidate for city attorney and self-identified prison and police abolitionist, ...

    The Annual “Halloween Candy or Edibles” Lie: Special COVID Edition

    Because it is October, attorneys general across the country are participating in the annual ...