Sessi Kuwabara Blanchard

    Sessi is an independent drug journalist and drug-user activist. She lives in New York City.

    The DEA’s Cringeworthy Twitter Hashtags Exemplify Drug War Logic

    Surprisingly and unfortunately, prohibition enjoys some trendy branding. Look no further than DARE—the 1980s ...

    Many Rural Americans Have No Access to Buprenorphine

    Nearly a third of rural Americans live in a county without access to buprenorphine—the gold ...

    Sure, Cannabis Is a “Gateway Drug”—Toward Less Use of Other Drugs

    As more and more prohibitionist cannabis policies are reversed in North America, a long-peddled, if long-debunked, ...

    Brave Russian Harm Reductionists Launch Chemsex Program in Moscow

    A new Russian harm reduction program for Muscovites engaging in chemsex is getting started ...