Doug Johnson

    Doug is a writer, editor and journalist whose work has appeared in National Geographic, Undark Magazine, New Scientist and Hakai, among others. He lives in Alberta, Canada.

    The Prospects for TNX-1300, a Drug to Reverse Cocaine Overamps

    Amid the overdose crisis, the bulk of national attention lies on opioids like fentanyl. ...

    California on the Brink of Opening Safe Consumption Sites

    California is poised to legalize safe consumption sites. On August 1, the state legislature ...

    People’s “Purposeful, Rational” Reasons for Mixing Meth and Opioids

    People mixing stimulants and opioids is not a new phenomenon. Mixing heroin and cocaine, ...

    People’s Reasons for Using Kratom Are Rapidly Diversifying

    Since kratom began growing in popularity in North America, researchers have tried to understand ...

    Vermonters Overwhelmingly Back Drug Decriminalization. Will Lawmakers Listen?

    A large majority of people in Vermont—84 percent—support removing criminal penalties for low-level drug ...

    After Colombia’s Election, What Are the Prospects for Better Drug Policy?

    Colombia’s federal election this month brought victory for Gustavo Petro, who is seen as ...

    Hep C Outreach and Anonymity at Harm Reduction Vending Machines

    Vending machines have proven to be an unexpected but largely successful harm reduction tool ...

    British Columbia Will Decriminalize Drug Possession

    British Columbia has become the first jurisdiction in Canada to receive the federal green ...