
Cannabis Legalization Linked to Reduced Tobacco, Alcohol Use in Young Adults

Another federally funded study is suggesting that marijuana legalization may be linked to a “substitution effect,” with young adults in…

November 30, 2023

Is It Time to Abandon the Term “Smoker”?

Words matter, particularly when they’re entwined with issues of identity. Labels have the capacity to erase the multi-faceted nature of…

November 21, 2023

Trashed Cigarette Packs Highlight Failure of California’s Flavor Ban

Last year, California voters passed Proposition 31—banning the retail sale of flavored tobacco and vaping products, including menthol. Overnight, one-third…

October 30, 2023

FDA’s Approaching Menthol Cigarette Ban Would Expand the Drug War

A national ban on menthol cigarettes is inching closer. This month, the United States Food and Drug Administration will publish…

August 21, 2023

Canada Mandates Health Warnings on Every Single Cigarette

Canada will soon be the first country in the world to mandate that a health warning be printed on every…

June 13, 2023

Massachusetts Post-Menthols Ban: Mixed Smoking Impacts, More Policing

Massachusetts is experiencing the aftershocks of menthol prohibition. In 2020, the Bay State became the first in the country to…

March 15, 2023

Tobacco Fairs, Free NRT and Few Vapes: A Conversation in Cuba

Winning a prize for my laughable “dancing” skills at a bar in Havana was a major surprise. But it should…

March 9, 2023

How I Quit Cigarettes in Prison, After Smoking for 40 Years

I’m coming up on the three-year anniversary of the day I stopped smoking cigarettes. It’s strange to think that I…

February 23, 2023

“Next Time It Could Be You”—The McCarthyism in Tobacco Control

At the end of November, an extraordinary episode caused outrage: the expulsion of Karl Erik Lund from a conference on…

January 19, 2023

Johns Hopkins Call for Nicotine “Common Language” Falls Flat

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has just published a video, featuring Johanna Cohen, the Bloomberg professor of…

January 12, 2023