
“Gifted”: When HIV Was a Death Sentence, and Worth It to Get Housing

In the early 1990s, there was a joke people would make about HIV transmission. “AIDS: The gift that keeps on…

June 27, 2024

Grants Pass Homelessness Case, and the Line Between Shelter and Prison

In 2013, the City Council of Grants Pass, Oregon, was looking for a solution to homelessness that didn't involve providing…

June 26, 2024

San Diego Funds 1,000-Bed “Mega Shelter,” Over Protests From All Sides

On June 11, the San Diego City Council unanimously approved a $5.82 billion annual budget and earmarked $6 million for…

June 12, 2024

Milwaukee’s Housing First Program Stands Out, But Much More Is Needed

Unlike many cities in the United States, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has managed to keep its rate of homelessness relatively low. For…

May 28, 2024

For Misdemeanor Poverty, Georgia Would Assign Mandatory Cash Bail

February 29 is Crossover Day in the Georgia General Assembly, with lawmakers clambering over each other to advance their bills…

February 29, 2024

How Reducing Homelessness Would Reduce Drug-Related Deaths

New research has indicated the extent to which cutting rates of homelessness would save lives by preventing drug-related deaths. The…

February 13, 2024

Cash Assistance for Prison Re-Entry Still Controversial, for Some Reason

On February 7, the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee killed legislation that was almost guaranteed to increase housing and employment stability…

February 9, 2024

São Paulo Installs Military Police Base at “Cracolândia”

On February 1 in São Paulo, a few hundred yards away from the city's embattled Cracolândia, Governor Tarcisio Freitas inaugurated the…

February 8, 2024

“Split Sentences” and the Right to Housing

The room I rent in a Georgia boarding house for people on the sex offender registry costs $800 per month.…

December 7, 2023

Harm Reduction Among the Casualties of GOP Senate Walkout in Oregon

Republican Senators in Oregon are staging a "walkout" from the Democrat-controlled state legislature. The move, framed as a protest against…

June 13, 2023