
Could Crack Cocaine Vapes Be Harm Reduction Tools of the Future?

There is a glut of research surrounding safer alternatives for people who use opioids. Less well researched are safer alternatives…

November 17, 2021

Experts Dismiss “Gimmick” of UK Cops’ Anti-Cocaine Spray

Police in the UK have come up with a new way of trying to deter the increasing number of people…

October 25, 2021

House Votes to Equalize Sentencing for Crack and Powder Cocaine

On September 28, the US House of Representatives approved a bill to make punishments for federal crack cocaine charges the…

September 30, 2021

São Paulo’s “Cracolândia” Is in Politicians’ Crosshairs

If you’ve consumed any Brazilian news sources within the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard of Cracolândia—“Crackland,” in Portuguese—São Paulo’s…

September 17, 2021

Activists Call on Canada to Back Heroin, Cocaine, Meth Buyer’s Clubs

On August 31, International Overdose Awareness Day, drug-user activists in British Columbia formally petitioned the Canadian federal government to operate…

September 2, 2021

There’s Finally an Accurate Drug-Checking Kit for Ketamine

Ketamine has long been a popular club drug, but try to buy it these days and there's a not-insignificant chance…

August 24, 2021

To Support Indigenous Rights in Latin America, Decolonize Drug Policies

Drug prohibition has had a devastating impact on Indigenous peoples in Latin America. Over the past century, it has been…

August 12, 2021

Nightlife Is Reopening, But the Drugs Have Changed—And So Have We

“All of my friends in the scene have been going back out a lot,” said Alex*, a regular on Manhattan’s…

June 30, 2021

Biden Vows to End Racist Crack Cocaine Sentencing That He Helped Establish

The Biden administration has again voiced support for ending a law that punishes possession or distribution of crack cocaine far…

June 24, 2021

On Canada’s East Coast, an Unexplained Influx of Pure Cocaine

Nobody knows the smell, taste or feeling of pure cocaine like someone who injects it. Eric Sampson, who's well known…

March 25, 2021