
Vapes Outperform NRT for Smokers Who Have Tried Past Quitting Aids

For people who want to stop or reduce their smoking and have previously been unable to do so using conventional…

August 26, 2021

Why the FDA Denied 4.5 Million Product Applications From One Vape Company

On August 9, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered that approximately 4.5 million vaping products from a single company,…

August 24, 2021

Vaping Does Not Cause Heart Attacks, Study Finds, Refuting Previous Claims

E-cigarettes are not associated with increased heart attack incidence among people without a history of smoking combustible cigarettes, according to…

August 23, 2021

Tobacco Control Experts Unite for Unprecedented Endorsement of Vaping

In a new paper, the most influential tobacco control experts in the country have come together to endorse the harm…

August 19, 2021

How the UK Is Allowing Vapes to Save Hundreds of Thousands of Lives

I am rather happy that my country is widely regarded as a global leader in tobacco harm reduction. Enthusiastic take-up…

August 16, 2021

Vape Flavor Bans Will Lead More Teens to Smoke, Suggests Another Study

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nears a September deadline to decide on the legality of vaping products in…

August 10, 2021

FDA Rejects 4.5 Million PMTA Applications From a Single Vape Company

On August 9, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered that 4.5 million vaping products from a single company be…

August 9, 2021

WHO Decides Tobacco Harm Reduction Talks Can Wait Until 2023

Despite 8 million annual smoking-related deaths, the World Health Organization (WHO) seems to have decided that it doesn’t have to…

August 6, 2021

Ukraine Poised to Pass an Anti-Vaping Law That Will Increase Harms

Although Ukraine is often perceived as one of the least free countries in the world, it is more liberal than…

August 5, 2021

The Rise of Synthetic Nicotine Risks Regulatory “Whack-a-Mole”

When Taylor Cage attends the Tobacco Plus Expo (TPE) in Las Vegas every year, she keeps an eye out for…

August 4, 2021