On January 13, the City Council of Denver, Colorado, voted to repeal an ordinance that severely restricts the number of…
Providing sterile syringes in prison is an efficient way to keep people who use drugs safer and healthier, just as…
Lawmakers in Denver, Colorado, are considering improving sryinge access, by allowing more syringe service programs (SSP) to open and removing…
On October 29, Harm Reduction International released its latest biannual report on the status of harm reduction services around the…
Pharmacies can have an important role in the prevention of overdose and other drug-related harms. Yet they're frequently doing far…
Against the advice of health experts, the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, decided in early 2024 to stop distribution of safer…
The City of Pueblo, Colorado, has been forced to suspend an ordinance criminalizing syringe service programs (SSP), allowing two SSP…
Some residents of Pueblo, Colorado, are fighting back after city lawmakers voted to ban sterile syringe provision. They've launched a…
Lawmakers in Pueblo, Colorado, have decided to end sterile syringe provision in the city. Two local providers will now have…
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved Needlepoint Sanctuary to be a mobile syringe provider in Bangor, Maine,…