hepatitis c

World Hepatitis Day: How Scotland Worked With People Who Inject Drugs

I’ve experienced a lot of harms related to substance use, but the one that got me into harm reduction was…

July 26, 2024

We Can Cure Hepatitis C. So Why Aren’t We?

There are few diseases in the world that we have the chance to totally eliminate, but hepatitis C (HCV) is…

March 21, 2024

On World Hepatitis Day, People Who Use Drugs Should Be the Focus

July 28 marks the fifth annual World Hepatitis Day, dedicated to increasing awareness. But we cannot meaningfully increase awareness without…

July 28, 2023

Ten Key Recommendations to Expand Hepatitis C Care in Prisons

All around the world, people in prisons are at high risk for contracting the hepatitis C virus (HCV). But for…

March 22, 2023

An Act of Resistance: The True Meanings of Prison Tattoos

The true measure of how a prison treats its prisoners can be found in their tattoos. Hands clasped in prayer;…

March 16, 2023

“Where They’re At”—Harm Reduction in Rural America

On a warm winter night, a small group of harm reduction workers in Charleston, West Virginia, stuffed the trunk of…

August 23, 2022

Hep C Outreach and Anonymity at Harm Reduction Vending Machines

Vending machines have proven to be an unexpected but largely successful harm reduction tool in numerous countries. In jurisdictions such…

June 10, 2022

Ipswich, MA, Considers Opening Its First Syringe Program

The town of Ipswich, Massachusetts is considering establishing a syringe service program (SSP). The effort to do so mirrors local…

June 2, 2022

Alabama Medicaid Under Fire for Denying Drug Users Hep C Cure

On May 9, the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) and AIDS Alabama filed an administrative complaint with…

May 23, 2022

World Hepatitis Day 2021 Platforms a Crisis That “Can’t Wait”

Since 2018, the World Hepatitis Alliance has promoted World Hepatitis Day—July 28—with the hashtag #FindingTheMissingMillions. A global advocacy and awareness…

July 28, 2021