criminal injustice

Analyzing Ayanna Pressley’s Justice Guarantee

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) just filed a non-binding resolution in the US House of Representatives calling for sweeping criminal justice…

November 15, 2019

Indiana Judges’ Violent Brawl Highlights the Hypocrisy of the System

Judges are generally held out as impartial, emotionally even-keeled arbiters of the law. Perhaps ignorance is bliss. That’s what Indiana…

November 14, 2019

Equipping Defense Attorneys to Fight Drug-Induced Homicide Charges

Amid the overdose crisis, drug warrior district attorneys across the US have added a new tool to their prosecutorial arsenal:…

November 13, 2019

How Might Chesa Boudin’s Win Impact People Who Are Homeless?

In a number of US cities where more people are now living without a place to call home, disdain for…

November 12, 2019

A Mixed Election Night for Reform Prosecutors: The Key Results

November 5 saw a raft of important county-level prosector elections around the country, and most of the results are now…

November 6, 2019

The Cash Bail System Is an Abusive Anachronism

Even for the Trump era, it sounds like an extraordinary lapse in political decorum. At a University of Pittsburgh event…

November 5, 2019

Marijuana Justice and Trump: Inside a DA Election in Rural Pennsylvania

Law enforcement in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, a sprawling rural-to-suburban county and the home of Penn State's law school, has been…

October 31, 2019

Women Are Disproportionately Held in Jails Rather Than Prisons, Increasing Harms

More women are being held in local jails than in state prisons, according to a report released October 29 by…

October 31, 2019

The Ecuadorian Fishermen Snatched Away by US Drug Warriors

After a flood wiped out Bexy Guerrero Salmiento’s home in 2013, her husband disappeared. Just days earlier, Manuel, Bexy and…

October 28, 2019

Oklahoma Prosecutor “Launched Malicious Probes Against Criminal Justice Reformers”

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater stands accused of firing his investigator for refusing to conduct a bogus criminal probe…

October 28, 2019