crack cocaine

Swiss Capital Exploring Legal Cocaine SalesSwiss Capital Exploring Legal Cocaine Sales

Swiss Capital Exploring Legal Cocaine Sales

Lawmakers in Swizterland's capital city of Bern want to legalize cocaine for adults to buy, initially through a pilot program.…

December 22, 2023
Many People Left to Make Their Own Stimulant Pipes and Face the RisksMany People Left to Make Their Own Stimulant Pipes and Face the Risks

Many People Left to Make Their Own Stimulant Pipes and Face the Risks

Across the globe, people who use stimulants have devised creative, sometimes ingenious, smoking tools. Often used to heat up and…

September 27, 2023
São Paulo Funds “Cocaine Vaccine,” Setting Sights on Human TrialsSão Paulo Funds “Cocaine Vaccine,” Setting Sights on Human Trials

São Paulo Funds “Cocaine Vaccine,” Setting Sights on Human Trials

In early June, São Paulo Mayor Ricardo Nunes signed an agreement with the researchers behind Calixcoca, a "cocaine vaccine" in…

June 12, 2023
São Paulo Begins Ominous Inquiry Into Disproven “Crack Epidemic”São Paulo Begins Ominous Inquiry Into Disproven “Crack Epidemic”

São Paulo Begins Ominous Inquiry Into Disproven “Crack Epidemic”

In 2016, the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo held a parliamentary inquiry to investigate what they referred to as a…

June 2, 2023
São Paulo’s New Governor Makes Ominous Moves to “End Cracolândia”São Paulo’s New Governor Makes Ominous Moves to “End Cracolândia”

São Paulo’s New Governor Makes Ominous Moves to “End Cracolândia”

Cracolândias—areas with high levels of street-based homelessness and public drug use—have been spreading throughout Brazilian towns and cities since the…

January 9, 2023
The Limits of AG’s Guidelines Against Crack-Powder Sentencing DisparityThe Limits of AG’s Guidelines Against Crack-Powder Sentencing Disparity

The Limits of AG’s Guidelines Against Crack-Powder Sentencing Disparity

US Attorney General Merrick Garland took action on December 16 to end the federal sentencing disparity between crack and powder…

December 21, 2022
Will Senate End Crack-Powder Sentence Disparity, as Time Runs Out?Will Senate End Crack-Powder Sentence Disparity, as Time Runs Out?

Will Senate End Crack-Powder Sentence Disparity, as Time Runs Out?

Senators are scrambling to negotiate a last-minute deal on crack cocaine sentencing reform. Current federal law punishes convictions for crack…

December 7, 2022
Why People Are Still Shooting Drugs They’d Rather SmokeWhy People Are Still Shooting Drugs They’d Rather Smoke

Why People Are Still Shooting Drugs They’d Rather Smoke

In 2012, Anna* was trying to smoke crack for the first time. Corner stores in South Carolina sold glass pipes,…

October 31, 2022