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    “Nicotine Hunger”—UK Harm Reductionist’s Inspiring Work Protecting Vulnerable People’s Health

    Louise Ross is a leader in tobacco harm reduction in the UK, where millions of people have successfully switched from combustible cigarettes to vaping to protect their health. She was the manager of the Leicester Stop Smoking Service for 14 years, and helped thousands of people quit smoking. The service was the first in the country to embrace harm reduction in the form of e-cigarettes, back in 2014.

    Ross’s work often focuses on vulnerable groups of smokers, including people from low-income communities, people who are homeless and people with mental health issues. She is a pioneer in bringing vaping products into a mental health hospital in her community.

    In the original Filter video above, Ross discusses the intersection of smoking and mental health, and successes in introducing vaping to marginalized populations of smokers. She also offers some free—and much-needed—advice to Americans on vaping.

    • Helen is Filter‘s senior editor and a multimedia journalist. She is on the methadone, vaping and nicotine train. Helen is also a filmmaker. Her two documentaries about methadone are Liquid Handcuffs and Swallow THIS. As an LCSW, she has worked with people who use drugs for over two decades. Helen is an adjunct assistant professor and teaches a course about the War on Drugs at NYU. She lives in Harlem.

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