January 8, 2019 Media Roundup: Philly’s Contradictory Commitment to Harm Reduction and Denver’s Possible Psilocybin Decriminalization

January 8, 2019

Smoking Is at a Record Low in the US, but the Benefits Aren’t Shared Equally [LA Times]
A new analysis of health data from the nation’s 500 largest cities shows that the people who live in neighborhoods with the highest smoking rates are more likely to be poor, less likely to be white, and more likely to have chronic heart or lung diseases.

Philly’s Confusing Message on Harm Reduction: Ok With Overdose Prevention Sites; Banning Smoking From Rehab Centers? [Philly.com]
We need to address the harms of cigarette smoking, but “adding a new barrier for people seeking treatment in 2019 seems counterproductive.”

Charging Murder for an Overdose Raises Risks [North Carolina News Observer]
Three more bereaved mothers join the likes of Filter contributor Louise Vincent in speaking out against drug-induced homicide charges. “Charging someone with murder when they had no malice won’t bring our kids back. It will only take someone else’s kids away.”

Magic Mushroom Decriminalization Just Got 8,000 Signatures Closer to Being on Denver’s Ballot [Denver Post]
Will Denver be the first city to decriminalize psilocybin?

WaPo, USA Today, NBC Go Full Breitbart on “Prisoners Eating Steak” Non-Story [Fair]
The federal prison guards’ union—whose members are currently going without pay thanks to the government shutdown—fed a story to the media about incarcerated people getting to…eat food. The media ate it up.

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