Use + Harm Reduction

    Drug Euphoria Is a Good Thing, Actually

    Back before I’d ever heard of harm reduction, I spent a lot of time ...

    How I Quit Heroin and Why That Hasn’t Fixed My Life

    There exists a common misconception that if a person uses illicit drugs, all of ...

    BC Has a Safe Supply of Smokable Heroin and No One Can Use It Yet

    For most of the nearly six years British Columbia’s overdose crisis has been declared ...

    Alberta Legal Battle Against New SCS Barriers Is Going to the Wire

    Alberta, Canada, remains a battleground for harm reduction rights. This past August, a coalition ...

    David Stuart: An Inspirational Leader in Chemsex Harm Reduction

    The harm reduction and LGBTQ health movements have unexpectedly lost a leader, David Stuart. ...

    When Smokers With No Plans to Quit Try Vaping, They Often Quit Anyway

    Smokers who did not intend to stop but nonetheless began vaping drastically increased their ...