Use + Harm Reduction

Unseen Women of Color Who Use Weed Know Why Legalization Is Only a Start

Marijuana is getting ever more legal. As of November 6, we have nine states where it’s legalized for recreational use,…

November 5, 2018

How the Young Lords Took Lincoln Hospital, Left a Health Activism Legacy

“They just took over the Nurses' Residence at Lincoln Hospital,” says Walter Bosque, an acupuncturist and community organizer. His salt-and-pepper…

October 30, 2018

Misinformation About So-Called “Terrorist Drug” Dispelled in New Report

If you're in the US, you may not have heard of captagon—an understudied synthetic drug recreationally popular and widely traded…

October 25, 2018

Vaping Isn’t About Big Business—It’s About Us, the Vapers

Unless you are a smoker who has tried and failed to stop, I don’t think you can really appreciate how…

October 24, 2018

Safer Consumption Spaces: Three Underground Models

“For years, the idea of a safe consumption space captivated the imagination of drug users everywhere,” says Isaac Jackson, president…

October 18, 2018

“No More Photo Ops”—NYC Activists Demand Legislators Take Responsibility for OD Crisis

Last year, for the first time in 11 years, black people had the highest rates of drug overdose in New…

October 16, 2018

These Two Landmark Reports Should Light a Fire Under Drug Policy Reformers

Two landmark reports about drugs and harm reduction have been released in the past few weeks: Regulation: The Responsible Control…

October 11, 2018

Deep Systemic Change: My 10 Steps to Transform Addiction Treatment

As panel after summit after commission after white paper is put forward claiming to solve the overdose crisis, you’d think…

October 8, 2018

Faulty Study Questioning Effectiveness of Safer Consumption Spaces Now Retracted—But the Damage Was Done

The International Journal of Drug Policy announced last week that they retracted a recently published meta-analysis on the health impacts…

October 4, 2018

Infographic: The “Iron Law of Prohibition”

On September 24 the Global Commission on Drug Policy—a heavyweight group co-founded by Richard Branson and including former presidents and prime ministers…

October 3, 2018