
A Cannabis Law Expert Explains Three Major Hurdles for the Industry

“That can’t be right, marijuana is legal here.” It's a common refrain from would-be cannabis entrepreneurs, initially filled with enthusiasm—only…

October 4, 2018

Faulty Study Questioning Effectiveness of Safer Consumption Spaces Now Retracted—But the Damage Was Done

The International Journal of Drug Policy announced last week that they retracted a recently published meta-analysis on the health impacts…

October 4, 2018

Infographic: The “Iron Law of Prohibition”

On September 24 the Global Commission on Drug Policy—a heavyweight group co-founded by Richard Branson and including former presidents and prime ministers…

October 3, 2018

As the WHO Gathers, Our Global Tobacco Control Framework Needs Radical Overhaul

Twenty-five years ago, when I started working on tobacco control at a government policy level, the politicians used to reject…

October 3, 2018

Existence of Secret Anti-Marijuana Committee Confirmed by ONDCP

On October 1, Buzzfeed News published a leaked letter from Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) acting director James…

October 2, 2018

Why California Has Largely Been Spared Fentanyl Deaths—So Far

America's crisis of drug-overdose deaths has largely spared California. At 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people in 2016, California's rate of…

October 2, 2018

In Defense of Juul, After the Latest Media Hit-Piece

The media frenzy against Juul, the US market leader in vaping products, is on steroids—and this feeds directly into actions…

October 2, 2018

“People Will Die Because of his Veto”—California Governor Jerry Brown Rejects San Francisco Supervised Consumption Spaces

On September 30, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed Assembly Bill 186, a bill that would have authorized San Francisco to…

October 1, 2018

Mass Bail Out of Hundreds of NYC Prisoners Begins

On October 1, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights (RFKHR) and a coalition of grassroots organizations launched Mass Bail Out, a…

October 1, 2018

Drug Laws and Stigma Are Major Factors in #WhyIDidntReport

On September 21, a week before Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, President Trump tweeted: "I…

October 1, 2018