Netflix is currently screening The Great, a 10-part series portraying the improbable, nay astounding, story of Catherine II, Empress of…
Alcoholics Anonymous and its 12 Steps, with their prescription of abstinence, have dominated America’s response to addiction for a half-century…
A traditional anecdote tells of a congressman answering a constituent's inquiry about his position on alcohol. "If you mean the…
The term—and concept of—“addiction” is regularly frowned upon or even attacked by people in our field. But it won’t disappear,…
Our cognitive biases, per Nobel-winner Daniel Kahneman and colleague Amos Tversky, cause us to value short-term benefits over staving off…
Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden confirmed on November 16 that he doesn’t support federal legalization of…
Two current films wonder about the nature of addiction—one involving obsessive love, the other heroin use without the usual addictive…
When people speak of inequality in America, they miss one of its powerful drivers: addiction treatment. The concepts that dominate…
Two superluminary rock stars, Elton John and the Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir, have in recent weeks presented addiction-recovery paths that…
The range and intensity of coercion in addiction treatment isn’t well recognized. Yet coercion through Alcoholics Anonymous is long-established in…